Safeguarding Team:
01905 620418
Designated safeguarding lead:
Mrs Catherine Brogan - Headteacher
Deputy designated safeguarding leads:
Mrs Laura Lawson - SENCO
Mrs Liz Oliver - Interim SENCO
Our Safeguarding Policy reflects the most current version of Keeping Children Safe in Education and all staff and volunteers understand their roles in implementing this policy.
At Sytchampton Primary School we recognise that safeguarding our children’s welfare is paramount. We work hard to create and sustain open, honest and trusting relationships between staff, children, families and other stakeholders to help us to identify, act upon and support in areas of need. Through these relationships and the support that we offer, we promote our pupils’ welfare, safety, health and well-being.
There are many aspects of our work that support effective safeguarding of our children, both in and out of school. You can find more information about these in the appropriate pages on our website
- Help and Support for Families (Early Help)
- Attendance and Punctuality (see policies page)
- Behaviour (see policies page)
- Sytchampton Endowed Primary School - Curriculum (PSHE, Computing)
- Online Safety
In addition, our Safer Recruitment Practices and HR Management procedures ensure that staff and volunteers are managed appropriately to safeguard our children. Further information about this can be obtained from the Headteacher via the school office.
We work with partners to ensure that information which supports our children’s safety and wellbeing is exchanged and acted upon appropriately.
- Parents, carers and families
- Worcestershire Children First (Safeguarding and Education Teams)
- Police (Safer Neighbourhood Team; Operation Encompass; Safeguarding Team)
- Health Teams (School Nurses, GP surgeries, Specialist Medical Teams, Health Visitors and Community Midwives)
- The Home Office (Prevent and FGM teams)
(this list includes our key partners, but is not exhaustive)
We will always endeavour to maintain positive and honest relationships with our families when taking action and sharing information with other agencies to safeguard our children. We will inform parents/carers about the information that is being shared unless this is not possible or appropriate. We always share information in line with DFE Information Sharing Guidance
If you are worried about a child
In School
If you are worried about something that you have seen or heard about in school, please speak to a class teacher or to a member of the safeguarding team Mrs Brogan, Mrs Lawson, Mrs Oliver.
At Home
If you are concerned about a child’s home circumstances, or worried that they may be suffering neglect or abuse, call:
Worcestershire Children’s Services
Family Front Door: 01905 822 666 (office Hours)
Emergency Duty Team: 01905 768020 (Out of Hours)
In the Community
If you are worried that a child is at risk of exploitation within the community (gangs, county lines) contact the Get Safe Team
Get safe: 01905 845568
If you are a child who needs help with something
Life at home and at school isn't always easy. We hope that you have a trusted adult at home or school that you can share any worries with.
Think about talking to your class teacher or TA, Mrs Brogan or any other member of staff. Even if your worries seem massive and you can't see a way through, we will always do our best to help you and keep you safe.
Remember that it is not OK for people to hurt you physically or emotionally, to touch you in ways that make you feel uncomfortable or to make you feel unsafe. You must speak out so that people can help you.
We know that it might not always be easy to talk to someone in school or at home and there are other people that can help you. You can call childline 0800 1111or visit the NSPCC website for more help.
If you are worried about a crime being committed, you can call Fearless anonymously (no one needs to know who you are). Keep yourself and other people safe by letting someone know what you know.
0800 555 111